Old Soviet | ||||
This might be the first Soviet chess clock ever. As a basis for the clockworks, Soviet alarm clock "Б-6" (or similar), introduced by the 2nd Moscow Watch Factory under the governance of "NKTP" (НКТП=Народный комиссариат тяжелой промышленности 1932-39) was used. This chess clock produced assumably early 1930th and appeared in 1935 on the 2nd Moscow International Chess Tournament (Capablanca) and in 1937 on the 2nd All-Union Chess Tournament for the Central Committee of the Union of Publishing House Workers (Studenetsky). |
History of 3rd Moscow Watch Factory (3 МЧЗ) takes its roots from 2nd Moscow Watch Factory (2 МЧЗ), where in Dec 1943 a separate production department 'НИИ-5' was established. 1.5 years later 'НИИ-5' was re-located to another physical location, becaming a separate factory and continuing production of watches (including chess clocks) under the brand 'ИЧ' (Инструментальный завод Часпрома = ИЧ). Mid 1950th 'ИЧ' was re-branded to '3 МЧЗ' and operated until early 1960th. Given model produced in 1957, clockworks are identical to the catalogue from 1960. Photo: Bryukhovetsky. |
Orel Watch Factory Jantar (ОЧЗ Янтарь) was founded in 1950. First production stage covered only alarm clocks (using components from the 2nd Moscow Watch Factory), second stage included the own components production. From 1958 the scope of produced watches has been substantially extended. Jantar faced bankruptcy in 2004. Jantar chess clock could be already found in the factory catalogue (1959), including clockwork specs. Particularly my model has been produced in 1961. Photo: M.Tal (1962). |
Another version of Jantar, this time in a Bakelite case. Produced at the same time to its "wooden brother", nevertheless, its clockwork already contains minor constructional differences, further inherited by its 'white plastic Jantar' successor. Production date of this clock (stated on the clockwork) is 1st quarter 1966. Photo: Paul Keres (1965). |
Plastic Jantar: the last, and undoubtedly the most popular representative of the Old Soviet chess clock family. Being introduced by Orel Watch Factory Jantar (ОЧЗ Янтарь) early 1970th, this model became an absolute leader in all post-Soviet chess clubs and tournaments for the next 30 years. One of the first models could be recognized from the game between young Kasparov and Korchnoi (1975). |